The YOUNG Model 85000 Ultrasonic Anemometer is a 2-axis, no-moving-parts wind sensor. It is ideal for general meteorological applications requiring accurate, reliable wind measurement.
The sensor features durable, corrosion-resistant construction with opposing pairs of ultrasonic transducers secured in a streamlined molded frame. The 85000 is fully wind-tunnel tested and calibrated to provide accurate wind measurement over a wide operating range. Voltage outputs are provided for wind speed and wind direction. A variety of serial output formats are also available on the standard sensor. The sensor installs on readily available 1 inch (IPS) pipe.
Specifications Wind Speed: 0 to 70 m/s (0 to 156 mph) Resolution: 0.1 m/s Accuracy: ± 2% or 0.1 m/s (30 m/s), ± 3% (70 m/s) Wind Direction: 0 to 360 degrees Resolution: 1 degree Accuracy: ± 2 degrees Serial Output: RS-232 or RS-485 Formats: ASCII TEXT, RMYT, NMEA, SDI-12 Units: m/s, MPH, Knots, Km/hr Analog Voltage Outputs: Wind Speed: 0 to 5000 mV Wind Direction: 0 to 5000 mV Power Requirement: 9 to 16 VDC, 30 mA typical (less than 1mA standby) Operating Temperature: -50 to +50 C Dimensions: 34cm high x 17cm wide Weight: 0.7 kg (1.5 lb) Shipping Weight: 1.6 kg (3.5 lb)
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