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A100L2 Anemometer 풍속쎈서
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회원이 되시면 가격변동정보, 신제품, 특판제품, 기술정보등 다양한
뉴스정보를 보내드립니다.
배송은 평균 2~3일정도 예상됩니다.
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(anemometer)  Our anemometers are robustly constructed using weather resisting plastics, anodised aluminium and stainless steels enabling them to withstand continuous exposure to the weather including marine environments.

They all share the same basic construction and use the same R30 series 3-cup Rotors, different internal modules/components are used to provide different output signals. The use of a precision ball-race mounted shaft ensures the essential low threshold speed and good repeatability.

In operation, the wind causes the rotor to rotate at a speed proportional to the wind speed. This rotation is sensed in our optoelectronic anemometers using a slotted disk and an optical beam. In the case of the switching anemometer the rotation is sensed using a balanced system of magnets and a reed-switch.

Options common to all the anemometers include anti-icing heaters, marine versions/rotors and mounting adaptors and anti-surge protection.

Available anemometer types include:
  • Low-Power Optoelectronic, Analog/Voltage AND Pulse/Frequency Output
    - A100L2 Anemometer
    (ideal for most data-loggers)

  • Low-Power Optoelectronic, Pulse/Frequency Output
    - A100LM and A100LK Anemometers
    (also ideal for most data-loggers)

  • Zero-Power, Contact-Closure (Reed Switch)
    - A100R Anemometer
    (lowest power of all, suitable for most dataloggers)

  • Optoelectronic, Pulse/Frequency Output
    - A100M and A100K and A100S Anemometers
    (suited for connection to PLCs)

  • Analogue/Voltage Output
    - Porton A100 and A100H Anemometers
A100 Series Anemometer Dimensions (mm)

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회사소개 | 서비스이용약관 | 개인정보취급방침
주소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474, 708호 (상대원동 선텍시티1)
Tel : 031-777-1588 / Fax : 031-777-1587 / 개인정보관리책임자 : 관리자
사업자 등록번호 : 116-81-31753 / 통신판매업신고 : 2005-경기성남-0886호
대표자 : 홍영화 / 운영자 : 윤상미
상호 : 주식회사 코린스 / Copyright ⓒ 2002. All Rights Reserved.