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솔라용 12V DC CFL 3U램프 20W
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12V / 24V DC Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) 3U Series

Low Voltage DC Compact Fluorescent Lamps

CFL lamps provide very high illumination levels with an 80% savings in power consumption over incandescent lamps. These high quality DC lamps are designed to be used in 12 volt and 24 volt battery systems, solar power systems and other 12V setups.


The life span of the lamp is more than 8,000 hours. A special electronic circuit guarantees an extremely high number of switching cycles. Cool-white 6400°K lamps provide a bright blue-white glow. Warm-white 2700°K lamps provide a light similar to incandescent lamps.



• Preheating, high electronic efficiency.Polarity Protection
• Saves up to 80 % of energy compared to an incandescent bulb
• Extremely high number of switching cycles
• Easy to install by E27/Edison Socket or bayonet socket (B22)
• Low temperature and low voltage start
• Extremely high illumination efficiency
• Compact & robust product design

Certificates & Approvals:

12V / 24V DC Solar bulb 20watt
* Model No: AT-20W
* Rated Voltage: 12V or 24V DC
* Rated wattage: 20W
* Luminous Flux (Lm): 1150
* Color temperature: 2700K, 6400K
* Lamp base: E27, b22 ,E26
* Safety Standard: CE, RoHS
* Life span: 8,000 hours

CFL lamps provide very high illumination levels with an 80% savings in power consumption over incandescent lamps. These high quality DC lamps are designed for use in 12 volt and 24 volt battery systems Solar power systems and other 12V setups.


We designed and recently improved the electronic ballast of the 12V DC Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL). Preheating,flicker free operation, high electronic efficiency and low thermal losses increase the lifetime of the CFL to more than 10,000 on / off switching cycles.


Cool-white 6400°K lamps provide a bright blue-white glow. Warm-white 2700°K lamps provide a light similar to incandescent lamps.



*12V or 24V DC Operation
* Extremely high illumination efficiency
* High number of switching cycles
* Pre-heat start, Polarity protection
* Low temperature and Low voltage start,
* Easy Installation Using Existing Socket

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주소 : 경기도 성남시 중원구 둔촌대로 474, 708호 (상대원동 선텍시티1)
Tel : 031-777-1588 / Fax : 031-777-1587 / 개인정보관리책임자 : 관리자
사업자 등록번호 : 116-81-31753 / 통신판매업신고 : 2005-경기성남-0886호
대표자 : 홍영화 / 운영자 : 윤상미
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